Friday, July 8, 2011

Taking the plunge

...into vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free food. And with ice cream, no less! Leave it up to Foodgawker to link me over to a Vegan Peppermint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream that I had to try just for the sake of tasting coconut/date/spinach ice cream, and end up loving.

Now, let me set the stage: it has been my summertime goal for years now to master the art of cooking (well, as much as one can do in a couple of months) before I head back to school. Fruitless (intended) as my previous pursuits might have been, a delight in watching Chopped on FoodNetwork and a growing attachment to Foodgawker have left me no option: I will cook, and cook indeed. So, when a 6-ingredient recipe that allows me to use a brand-new ice cream maker pops into my life, I do what any mint-chip-loving girl would have done: put the recipe to the test!
Leanne's ice cream recipe gave me the perfect kickstart into my foodie dreams. A simple yet complex-sounding description, involving some of the best flavors out there, drew me in.

While there were a couple of adjustments I would make to cater the recipe more to my taste (I'm not actually anything-intolerant, so perhaps I'll go with some chocolate sauce next time), you can't beat ice cream so healthy I don't feel bad eating it. In fact, I'm getting my leafy greens - spinach works the same ground up and whole leaf, doesn't it?

It was easy, it was delicious, it was ice cream. Can't wait to see what I'll be cooking up next.

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